Steven and Alina have been facing a rocky road on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, but fans are angry with Steven once again for his behavior with Masha.

Every time 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way viewers think Steven Johnston can’t get worse, the Mormon man shocks viewers with more bad behavior. American Steven has infuriated viewers with his hypocritical and controlling treatment of his Russian fiancé Alina. The latest episode of The Other Way revealed that Steven failed Alina’s loyalty test, which led to more furious 90 Day Fiancé fans putting Steven on blast for his bad behavior. Franchise fans remain shocked that Alina is still putting up with Steven and his controlling hypocrisy.

Steven left Alina devastated and frustrated when he revealed he had betrayed his Mormon religion and his relationship with Alina by sleeping with multiple women. Since Steven also said he wanted to see other people, Alina decided to test his loyalty to her before she married him. Alina’s friend Masha was tasked with reaching out to Steven on Instagram to see if he flirted back with her. Alina confronted Steven on the Sunday, October 24 new episode and revealed Masha was her friend. Steven failed the test, as he invited Masha to meet up with him in the United States in the future, or even in Turkey at the moment, and asked her to bring a bathing suit.

Reddit user U/11BangBang- took to the platform on one of many posts calling Steven out for his bad behavior. “I’m not crazy right?, this dude is straight toxic & manipulative,” the user captioned a photo of Steven. Though many viewers already disliked Steven, his latest behavior with Masha earned him plenty of fresh criticism. “He asked Masha if she had a swimsuit wtf,” one top commenter wrote. Many viewers were baffled by Steven’s audacity, as well as his explanation to Alina that he was just being “kind” to Masha. “Oh he was just being a kindly guy invited her to go swimming with him, nothing wrong with that!” another user sarcastically wrote back. Many users called Steven out for his manipulation tactics. “Did I hear him right? Something like, ‘I thought she could come meet up with US,’ as if he thought Alina was that stupid?” one incredulous fan asked.

Another aspect of Steven’s behavior that left fans furious was his insistence on deflecting blame. Rather than admit that what he did was wrong, Steven blamed Alina for setting him up to fail. He then came up with various excuses for why he couldn’t immediately delete his social media, including that he needed to save photos, the inadequate park Wi-Fi, and the warmth. Overall, Steven’s shocking behavior left many viewers stunned as to how Alina could stay with him. “She’s alot more patient and forgiving then I am. I would have gotten on that flight back to Russia with my Mom and forgotten him. Lesson learned if anything,” one fan wrote. “The audacity of this creepazoid to ask girls to pull up in Turkey while he has his fiancée there. I would have used those heavy ass wedge heels on his face,” another fan ranted.

Overall, The Other Way season 3 viewers have made it very clear how they feel about Steven. Though Alina believes that having Steven delete his social media will prevent him from reaching out to other women, viewers find this to be an insufficient strategy. Even without social media, Steven would still be able to flirt with other women and try to cheat on Alina. 90 Day Fiancé fans find the only solution is for Alina to leave Steven. Steven and Alina’s relationship has overall been panned by 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way season 3 viewers due to his behavior and Alina’s refusal to leave.

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