‘Doubling Down with the Derrico’ Spoilers reveal that oldest child Darian Derrico has been getting more and more curious about if her Mom, Karen Derrico, is actually pregnant. Darian has been noticing that her Mom is sleeping more and that she’s eating more, and that her personality is more persnickety than usual and apparently Darien recognizes that as being pregnant.
She’s right on the money, but she asked Grandma GG before and GG told her to ask her parents, so one day she cornered Dad, Deon Derrico and when he was going to make a trip to the car wash she decided to hop along for the ride and ask him.
‘Doubling Down with the Derrico’: Deon confirmed that Karen was indeed pregnant…Before they had their confirming ultrasound.
Granted, Darian is 13, and she has lost a baby brother before so she is aware that sometimes babies don’t make it. Maybe Deon thought that if she could make it through that then she was old enough to know about a pregnancy that could be considered, at best, dubiously viable. I think Deon, as well as GG< was surprised at how excited Darian was by the news of possibly having another sibling.
I think she may be more excited than her parents (Granted, her Mom and Dad are going through some things right now so that isn’t judgment, just an observation), which also begs the question… was Deon right to tell Darian?
She’s so excited about this pregnancy and wanted to name the baby so badly. If it doesn’t turn out to be viable then Darian will definitely be disappointed, possibly more than her parents. No, this is not the first sibling that she’s lost, and Darian is a teenager, but she’s still a child, she’s still innocent. Perhaps Deon should have said that they had to go back to the Doctor and see.
That wouldn’t have been a lie, but it wouldn’t have gotten her hopes up unneccessarily either. Deon said that Darian’s hope made him realize that he had to remain optimistic for the upcoming appointment, but… if this doesn’t turn out to be a thing, then what? Are they going to try again or will Karen get a break? How will Darian take the news? It’s a legit question. Stay tuned!!!