Season 3 of I Love A Mama’s Boy premieres Sunday, June 19th. Matt McAdam and his mother Kelly are returning for another round. His ex-fiancee Kimberly Cobb has confirmed she will not be back. Now she is sharing what her true breaking point in the relationship was.

Kimberly Says I Don’t Love A Mama’s Boy

During Season 2, Kimberly realized just how incompatible she and Matt truly were. Their apartment had a fire so they were forced to go live with his parents. Luckily, they were also in the process of building their own home but with the help of his family. It felt as though every house decision they were making went through his mother. Kim started to wonder whose home it actually was. When it came to planning the wedding, Kelly inserted herself everywhere. She not only wanted to recite a poem but also officiate it, as well. Kim realized that she was overstepping but Matt would not stop her. There were no boundaries being set and the mother/son duo were thick as thieves.


Soon, Kim was offered a job position she just could not resist but Matt was not about to leave his mother. Kimberly went anyway and realized how much better she was off when she was away from both of them. Matt could sense that something was changing so he decided to fly out and see Kimberly. However, he brought his appendage along and that truly solidified the end of the relationship. Kimberly knew that she had to end it but Matt claimed his mother was even more devastated. Now, they are back with his new girlfriend who has to deal with this super close relationship. So, what does Kimberly have to say?

The End Of An Era

Over the past day, Kimberly has done an ‘ask me anything’ segment on her Instagram stories. One follower wanted to know if she was asked back to the show. She says that yes, she was but she declined. Previously, she shared she had decided to move on from that part of her life. Yet she was very grateful for all of the love and support that she had received along the way. As aforementioned, Matt has a new girlfriend named Brittany who will join this season. Kim is currently unsure if she will watch this season but does want to see what stories will come up about her.


One follower asked a vital question. They wanted to know what was the straw that really broke the camel’s back and made her end the relationship. Firstly, it was the lack of support, respect, and honesty. However, the real “nail in the coffin” was being cursed out in public. That sounds extremely rude and berating. Finally, she did add that the swan faucet did not help. Hopefully, she is thriving and living her best life. All signs point to “yes” on that front and she made the best decision not to return this season.

Will you miss Kimberly? Let us know and watch the season premiere of I Love A Mama’s Boy Sunday on TLC.

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