90 Day Fiance Jenny Sumit

As 90 Day Fiance fans had predicted, there seems to be trouble in paradise for Sumit and Jenny yet again! The anticipated marriage won’t take place even after the couple has overcome every obstacle for nine years! This time, none other than Sumit is to blame for the circumstance. Meanwhile, his parents, as well as the family astrologer, had greenlit their union. What went wrong? Keep reading to know more in detail.

90 Day Fiance: Sumit Chickens Out After Everyone’s Approval, Betrays Jenny!

Although things were going smoothly in Jenny and Sumit’s storyline, it turns out the latter hit the self-sabotage button. From the beginning of the season till now, Jenny became the victim of ill-treatment. Her supposed in-laws demoted her to Cinderella as she did all the household work for them. They did so in the name of teaching her some “Indian Values’. However, things changed for the better when her partner’s family astrologer saved the day. He schooled the parents for being super intruding and for letting the couple be. Long story short, everyone finally agreed to Sumit and Jenny’s marriage.

More so, the most favorite character from the storyline, i.e., Khalid, the astrologer, even pointed out the time for the couple to seal the deal. He even made things easier for them when he advised the couple not to indulge in a temple marriage but in court instead. Unfortunately, one out of the two people wasn’t happy with this. Like the reality TV fans had predicted, it was Sumit. Although he tried to hide it at the beginning, the panicky in his face was quite evident. He continued to say lines like “it’s all happening too soon” and “I got cold feet now.”

90 Day Fiance: Sumit Cancels Official Marriage Paperwork Behind Jenny’s Back!

After the approval of their astrologer and Sumit parents, the next step for the couple was to file paperwork for their court marriage. As they went to a lawyer, the Indian was under the impression that he would merely provide them information about the procedure. However, Sumit freaked out when he wanted to start with the paperwork right away. He took to the cameras to emphasize how his previous arranged marriage changed him as a person. Hence, he doesn’t wanna marry anyone anymore. In contrast, Jenny was happier than ever, oblivious to her partner’s feelings.

In fact, she was grateful that things were working out before her visa expired. However, the most shocking thing that happened in the episode was when Sumit opened up to his friend Neeraj about the ongoing circumstance. He expressed his fears. His companion, however, spoke on behalf of Jenny and told him how different this scenario is compared to his ‘arranged marriage.’ That is because Summit and Jenny love each other. He even called the TLC star a “jerk.” He dropped the most alarming bomb when he told his buddy of canceling the court proceedings behind Jenny’s back.

Like most of his excuses, the 33-year old’s explanation of this excuse was lame too. He said he didn’t want to “hurt” his lover. TLC viewers are now waiting for Jenny to leave her toxic partner and move on from him. Only time will tell how things shape up.

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