For the overbearing mothers on TLC’s popular show, I Love A Mama’s Boy there’s no greater joy in their life than being close to their sons. Of course, ILAMB fans can attest that thing usually go a bit too far when it comes to “being close” to their sons. That certainly seems to be the case with Liz Micale and viewers of the reality television show are starting to get fed up with her behavior.

Having already stepped in and stopped son  Mike Boornazian from proposing to his girlfriend Stephanie Ressler, Liz appeared ecstatic  Stephanie landed a job in California. It seems as if she thought the girlfriend moving away was the perfect time to end the relationship between her son and his girlfriend once and for all.

A Big Fight For ILAMB Fans

While Liz whispered poisoned words to Mike about the move, things got heated between he and Stephanie to the point where they had a knock-down, drag-out fight.

The disagreement boiled down to Stephanie feeling that Mike should move with her to the west coast as it would also further his career opportunities. However, this wouldn’t be ILAMB if there wasn’t some drama about moving away from a possessive mom. Mike was indeed hesitant about moving out to California as he would be on the other side of the country from his mother.

Eventually, the problems boiled over with Stephanie telling Mike that she felt as though she was the “third wheel” in the relationship and was always being placed behind Liz in terms of Mike’s priorities.


Shortly after the fight erupted, Mike began to have second thoughts about the situation and eventually talked to his mother about the possibility of his leaving after all.

Once again in true, I Love A Mama’s Boy fashion, Liz began laying the guilt trip on him, while also telling him that she would never get in the way. It appears it was her reaction to his questions that finally pushed ILAMB fans over the edge.

Backlash Begins

Social media was rife with opinions about Liz’s behavior. Few were complimentary of her.

“Mike’s mom is selfish not to encourage her son to go after his opportunities,” one viewer wrote on Twitter. “A good mom will always put her kids’ needs and wants ahead of her own wishes.”

Some users put it quite a bit more succinctly.

“Could Liz, for once in her selfish life,” another user wrote. “Just support & be happy for something that her beloved son mike wants to do?”

Yet another ILAMB viewer lamented Liz’s lack of self-awareness. They were quite angry she seems to be holding her son back.

The question now, of course, is whether or not Mike will wise up. Or will Liz continue to have her hold on her son?

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