TLC’s I Love a Mama’s Boy is back for the season finale. Leyna and Ethan have entered an uncertain stage in their relationship. Leyna is still having trouble with how close he is to his mother. She fears things will never get better. Here’s what happened last time on the reality series.

Esther wants Leyna to cut her guest list

A couple fighting on the beach. |

A couple fighting | Eric Ward via Unsplash

Esther is continuing to take over the wedding preparations. She told Ethan that she wants Leyna to cut back her guest list even though it’s her wedding. Esther wants to invite 40 more of her friends. She thinks Leyna should be the one to compromise since she’s paying for the wedding.

“We’re at full capacity with our guest list,” says Esther. “I have like 20 friends from tennis, and I had 20 friends throw her shower. You can’t have people throw her shower and not have them at the wedding. They entertained for her.”

Ethan thinks it’s OK for his mother to have a say over the guest list because she’s paying for everything. He told his brother that he will do whatever his mother wants him to do.

Esther’s youngest son thinks her relationship with his brother is ‘weird’

Esther’s youngest son, Shane, came to visit her from Nashville. He isn’t around as much because he tours the country as a musician, so he wanted to stop by and say hello.

Shane is close to his mother, and they speak to each other on the phone daily. He says his friends make fun of him because Esther calls “a million times a day” to make sure he ate.

Esther had a discussion with Shane and Ethan about how Leyna thinks it’s strange that Ethan calls his mom “hot.” Esther doesn’t think it’s wrong or unusual because she’s his mother. “I think it’s so silly that she gets upset,” she says.

Ethan says it’s no big deal because he and his mother are just complimenting each other. “We’re just complimenting,” says Ethan. “It’s just compliments.”

Shane understands why Leyna is uncomfortable, but he’s used to it because he grew up around this behavior. “I definitely don’t call my mom hot, so I can see why Leyna is a little creeped out by the intimate behavior between Ethan and my mom,” says Shane during his interview with the producers. “It’s weird as hell.” Shane feels like he has to warn the people he dates before he brings them to the house to meet his mom.

Ethan talks to Leyna about cutting the guest list

Ethan isn’t looking forward to talking to Leyna about trimming the guest list, but it’s something his mother wants him to do. Ethan does it because he enjoys making his mother happy.

Leyna was upset when Ethan told her Esther wants her to cut her guest list. He told her that guests are being cut on both sides, but that doesn’t seem like the truth. During his conversation with his mother, she only spoke about cutting Leyna’s guests.

According to Leyna, Esther has 80 people on her guest list, Esther’s husband has 50, and Leyna just has 75. Esther still wants her to cut the list even though it’s her wedding and she has the least amount of people.

Leyna says this situation is “pushing her over the edge” and she’s upset Ethan didn’t stand up for her. Says Leyna, “I want to talk to Esther because I’m worried that it’s going to be two against one for the rest of my life and I think I need to stand up for myself.”

At the end of the episode, we learn that Leyna and Ethan postponed their wedding. We’re not sure if they’re going to make it.

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