This Doubling Down with the Derricos recap is for Season 3 Episode 1 Poppy, You’re Past Your Prime as Deon Derrico worries about GG Derrico‘s heart. There’s vegan lobster, homeschool antics, and roller skating fun before things get scary for Marian Derrico (GG).

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen on Doubling Down with the Derricos

In Las Vegas, most of the kids are running around. Deon Derrico’s cooking and they all want to help. And Karen just watches the crazy. She says they’re all growing fast and they can barely keep up.

Now, Darian’s getting ready to drive and the little ones are learning to walk. So, Daician Derrico wins and gets to help cook. And Deon’s mom GG is coming for dinner. They’re making lobster and steak — vegan style. The kids say it’s disgusting.

Then, Karen jokes about him and thinks veganism is a mid-life crisis. The kids all know it’s for GG Derrico’s health. Deon says his mom got a heart stress test and her doc suggested she go vegan.

And Daician’s happy and says she’s the boss. She cuts with a big knife and her mom has to look away. Their friend Eric watches and laughs.

Dariz and Deniko Derrico want bacon instead. The kids aren’t down for the vegan stuff and want meat on episode one of season three on TLC.

Karen Wants South Carolina Soul Food

Karen Derrico says when they go to South Carolina, they need a bigger house. They’re all “squished in” at the Vegas place. Deniko wants a pool and a slide and the kids want more bathrooms.

Then, mom says that they are all heading to her small town of Kingstree, South Carolina. She wants the kids to spend more time with her family. They’ll stay a month but Karen wants to live there part-time.

Deon’s not sure about leaving Las Vegas. He doesn’t want to leave GG alone. But the month is a trial. Dior says the food looks nasty. GG shows up to lots of hugs and the kids tell her they’re cooking vegan.

Karen calls it the G-gan diet. Then, Deon says in an African-American community, the matriarch (his mom) is the glue that holds them together. So, GG tastes the food and says it’s good on Doubling Down with the Derricos.

She says the food was “different” but she could taste the love. The kids try it and some like it, some don’t. Dior and Diaz say it’s yuck. Next, Deon says he’ll introduce Karen’s family to it. But she says her family likes soul food.

She likes meat, fried and smothered in gravy. The triplets are conked out during this. They ask GG about visiting SC. She doesn’t want to be ganged up on about moving there.

Diez Got a Bump on his Head — Is He Okay?

Barber Deon is doing hair cuts. He says the kids should be able to talk to him about anything. Karen says Derrick met a girl over the Summer. He calls her girlfriend but Karen says it’s a girl that’s a friend. TLC Twitter loves this moment,

When producers ask, Derrick says the girl is “more than fly” but won’t say more, calling it classified. Dad tells Derrick that his mom wants to open an entertainment center. He says the plan’s evolved into a fun place for large families.

He asks the kids for ideas. Denver suggests a stage to sing. Deon notices something on Diez’s head. He’s worried because of the cranial reconstruction surgery. Now, that lump on his son’s head panics Poppy.

Karen comes up and says he hit his head on the toy box. Now, Diez starts crying. So, they comfort him while hoping he won’t need another surgery. Next, she makes an appointment and says to act normal til they see the physician.

She’s nervous about the call to the doc. They get Dr. Ozaki on video chat. Then, they show the doc the knot. And he asks what happened. So, they explain that the door of the toy box hit his head.

They, they say he cried for a minute. But the doc says this doesn’t seem to be a big deal. He says Diez’s head is as strong as his dad’s head. Karen’s happy that her son can do headstands safely. So, Diez says he’s not worried and knocks on his own head.

Homeschool Chaos and More Bathrooms Needed on Doubling Down with the Derricos

Darian kicks the boys out of the bathroom. She says at 15, she needs privacy and time to get ready. But the boys complain she’s making them late for school.

And Karen’s yelling at the kids to get ready. The quints want to dress alike and talk about wearing heels. And their mom says homeschooling 14 kids is hard because of a lack of room. She has seven up and seven down for school.

Plus, she has some kids logged onto laptops. And others are doing pre-K activities. Karen says Eric helps teach. And Diez especially likes learning with him. But Deon says Dior gets into everything.

The triplets, Dawsyn, De’Aren, Dyver are running all over, says Karen. And Deon says they are like three Tasmanian devils. The quints are in third grade and she says they’re doing well. But Dariz is struggling, mom says.

She says Deniko is a DJ and uses music as therapy. Next, she heads upstairs to check on Dallas and Denver. And she busts them playing instead of working.

The boys tell producers that school’s the worst. She wants a house where she can have all the kids in one room to homeschool.

Deon Derrico Says GG Taught him to Skate in Detroit

The kids are plating outside. And Deon talks about rollerskating. Then, he says Poppy “was the stuff”. Plus, he says he was a good skater back in the day. Then, he tells the boys he lived to skate and it’s like dancing on wheels. And he puts on his skates.

Deon says GG Derrico taught him to skate. They tell Poppy to prove himself. And Deon Derrico says in Detroit, you met at the skating rink. They had no social media and had to talk to a girl in person. Darian laughs about her dad picking up girls.

She cringes and says it’s a midlife crisis. But Deon boogies around in his skates. Then, he says the kids are so detached making faces at him. Poppy says Darian is saying he’s old. She says boys her age aren’t at the skating rink.

Now, Deon Derrico wants to go skating so he can shine. And thinks it’s good for the family pavilion they’re planning. Darian hopes he doesn’t break something in the Doubling Down with the Derricos recap.

GG Derrico Says No Chance will she Move South

Later, Deon kisses his mom and asks how she’s doing. He brings up South Carolina and GG says she’s looking forward to it. So, Karen wants to talk about the move without her mother-in-law shutting it down. And GG refuses again to move.

But she says a visit is okay. Still, she has a life here and Vegas is home. But Deon Derrico says she might like Myrtle Beach. And GG just spirals out and says she knows what she doesn’t want to do is move South.

Later, GG Derrico talks to the producer about the South she grew up in being racist in Arkansas. And she remembers how she felt. GG says it’s asking a lot of her.

She says she will never move to Myrtle Beach. Then, she says “never” on repeat. Finally, GG says it’s out and won’t even discuss it. Karen knows it’s a hard sell. And she calls her mom-in-law and Deon “citified”.

Then, Karen says she just wants GG to try it since Deon fell in love with it. But he doesn’t like her use of the word love. And his wife gets annoyed with him taking sides with his mom against her. She says you’re not feeling me if you’re not feeling SC.

GG admits if they move away, it would break her heart. She says she has never experienced love like she has with all those kids. But she’s not ready to make a new life somewhere else. But, she says she’ll always be part of her grandkids’ lives.

Deon Wants to Get Down on Doubling Down with the Derricos

Poppy’s ready to show the kids what he can do. So, he’s taking them roller skating. And Karen lines them up in birth order at the door. She says it helps streamline departures and arrivals. They pile into two vehicles.

They have a 15 passenger van and a mini-van. Now, Deon’s looking for a transit bus to take them all at once. Karen picks up GG with the twins to come along. They head to Skate Rock City, in Paradise, Nevada.

Deon says skating was where you came together in the black community. And he says it was a top thing that families did. It’s chaos trying to get the rental skates. Poppy says they overwhelmed the employees by getting 36 roller skates.

Image Credit: TLC

Now, GG refuses to skate. She says she held her own back in the day. But now, she doesn’t want to break something. She also is feeling “funky” in her chest but doesn’t tell her family. Deonee says Poppy is being weird and is “past his prime”.

Karen says he’s rolling around thinking about his youth. Darian takes a tumble too. She says she’d do it again but wishes there were more boys here. Poppy flirts with his wife who tells him she has 14 children. He laughs.

Eric is there helping the triplets along with Darian. But they notice that GG’s in distress. And she tells them something’s going on. Now, Deon’s worried at the rink. So, she takes a Pepcid and says it’s indigestion. But, she wants them to have fun and not worry.

She wonders if the rink has vegan hot dogs. And that makes her daughter-in-law laugh. But Dallas Derrico is doing well and GG cheers. Then, Poppy says skating is in their DNA.

GG’s Chest Pains Send Her to the ER — Doubling Down with the Derricos Recap

The next day, GG’s in the emergency room. Deon’s scared and says it seems serious. They’ve mentioned emergency surgery. He sits outside in the car stressed out. He says she was better and doesn’t understand this.

Later, Deon gets to go inside and says she’s scared. Plus, he doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t want her to know he’s afraid too. Then, he talks about how GG is the only family he’s got left. In the ER, GG says she’s in unimaginable pain.

So, Deon says he knows God has his mother. He holds her hand and says she’ll be okay. Then, he sits in the car praying for his mother and for her doctors to have wisdom. That’s the end of Season 3 Episode 1.

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