B90 fans are confused by some aspects of the relationship between Memphis and Hamza. They wonder if their romance is actually scripted.

On 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 5, Memphis Sandoval and Hamza Moknii have one of the most interesting storylines, but a lot of viewers think that it’s largely embellished. Memphis is a divorced single mother of two who was raised in foster care as a child. She wants to find a partner to help her give her children a better life than she had. After connecting with Tunisian man Hamza online, Memphis thinks he’s exactly what she’s been looking for. To the shock of most viewers, Memphis planned to fly to Tunisia, skip their engagement, and then get married to Hamza two weeks after their first in-person meeting.

Memphis and Hamza seemed to have quite a big language barrier, which is one of the things that concerned viewers the most about the Michigan woman’s plan. Early scenes in the season showed that the couple understood very little of what the other was saying, and many of their conversations revolved around the phrases, “sxy time” and “big bobies.” It was also revealed early on that although Hamza told Memphis they could room together, he was lying. He had actually not cleared that with his mother, Hayet, with whom the couple would be living when Memphis got to Tunisia. The truth is that Hayet did not approve of the couple sharing a room before they were married.

When Hamza and his friend picked Memphis up from the airport, Hamza revealed that Hayet wouldn’t allow him to share a room with Memphis before they were married. His bride-to-be said that it would be a “big problem” if they were not able to get intimate before they got married, in case they weren’t compatible. Despite Hayet explaining that Hamza was supposed to sleep on the couch, the Tunisian man spent the night in Memphis’ room, causing fans to be outraged that Hayet’s wishes were disrespected. However, some fans think that everything isn’t as it seems. Read on to find out why.

Many Of Their Pivotal Plot Points Seem Staged
In the famous scene where Memphis video chats Hamza from the shower, some viewers noticed that Hamza didn’t appear to be alone. Redditor xmycoffeeiscoldx said they thought that Hamza “kept looking over at someone,” and other fans felt that he might have been looking at a producer who was instructing him. Additionally, in a recent scene in which Memphis found out that 26-year-old Hamza had lied to her about his age, saying he was two years older, she got upset and stormed off. Later, the producers asked Memphis if she wanted to ask Hamza more questions in order to judge his honesty, and she found him sitting in the next room staring into space. He was doing nothing with his microphone on. Many viewers found this very suspicious and thought the whole scene had been staged.

…And So Does Their Most Controversial Scene
When Hamza spent the night in Memphis’ room, Hayet found them together the next morning, and while this angered many viewers, lots of fans thought the scene seemed fake. Redditor Lukas_IsMyDaddy pointed out that Memphis had her makeup done perfectly when Hayet discovered them, which was supposedly early in the morning, right after she woke up. The Redditor also noticed that Hayet waited to go to Memphis’ room until the cameras happened to be there. Also, because viewers could hear the conversation, Memphis and Hamza likely had their microphones on. Since the couple probably doesn’t sleep with their microphones, many fans agreed that the scene was likely completely staged.

Memphis Herself Has Claimed The Show Is Staged
Memphis claims that much of what is shown in her segments is not true. For one, she alleged that Hamza’s English is much better than it looks on the show. Additionally, although the segments depict only tension between her and Hayet, Memphis recently told her co-star Jasmine Pineda in an Instagram comment that “[Hayet] is one of the best things [Memphis] experienced” on her trip to Tunisia. This comment was on a video Memphis uploaded of herself petting a camel, along with Hamza and Hayet. One fan commented that they wished that 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days had shown more scenes of the family getting along, and Memphis agreed, saying that they should have shown “what is really going on.”

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