‘Doubling Down With The Derricos’ Spoilers reveal that Grandma GG Derrico (not to be confused with the dog, Gigi!) was over at the Derrico’s house to help them get ready for Halloween when some of the older kids were talking about dying their hair for the ocassion.

Grandma GG decided that perhaps they didn’t need to go all out for their first time with the hair dying (after all, with the exception of the oldest one they aren’t yet teenagers) and said that maybe they should just try a streak at first to see if they actually liked the color on them. One of the little boys suggested, “Why don’t you get one too?”

‘Doubling Down With The Derricos’: So that’s what Grandma GG did.

She had some blonde streaks in her hair, and it really did become her! Although I’m kind of amazed that she just encouraged the twins to go for just a streak (which was cute) because one of the twins already had diamond studs in both his ears!

Granted, jewelry is not really about gender, it’s more aesthetic, but it’s still a little surprising to see a little boy with earrings, but perhaps I’m just of a slightly different generation, I’m kind of amazed that Deon and Karen let him do that, but again, it’s just a fashion statement. Also, piercings can grow back in so it’s not like he has to wear them every day.

Another thing that’s surprising is someone as religious as the Derricos are celebrating Halloween, and you know what? I’m here for it. That’s great! In sharp contrast to the Plaths who don’t celebrate any holidays whatsoever, the Derrico’s will gladly celebrate their holidays and be a big, happy family while doing so.

Unlike the strict religious-based culture of the Plaths, the Derricos actually embrace life and encourage their children to  do so as well. More of the conservative families need to embrace this model, just because you live in the world doesn’t make you any less religious.

Of course, aside from costumes, they aren’t really embracing the spooky side of halloween (I did spy some wizard hats in there though), they’re having a 70’s themed halloween party for all the kids, who want to have a dance contest and that is the cutest thing. We’ll see how this goes. Stay tuned!!!

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