In the latest episode of 1000-Lb Sisters, Tammy Slaton declares that she is thankful to be as “independent” as she is. In conversations with her older sister, Misty, Tammy muses that her family should be looking on the bright side. She told Misty that they should be thankful that she isn’t bedridden and that they do not have to perform various, unsavory tasks like changing her sheets, bathing her, and wiping her after using the restroom. Show fans, however, aren’t sure how true this claim is. It seems that many viewers wonder if she CAN actually bathe herself. Read on to find out why TLC fans are questioning Tammy’s alleged independence.

Tammy Slaton Tells Everyone She is Independent

During Season 3 of 1000-Lb. Sisters, fans have definitely noticed how often Tammy Slaton brings up how “independent” she is. She has often been quoted telling people that she doesn’t “need” Amy and that her sister “only” does minimal tasks for her to help in her daily life.

Unfortunately for Tammy, many fans are quick to point out that she is a lot less independent than she claims to be. In addition to having Amy and Michael living next door, the family has also hired a home health nurse named Tisa who is doing her best to help make sure Tammy’s needs are met.

1000 LB Sisters Tammy - Nurse Tisa Slaton Youtube
Photo Credit: TLC

In many instances, Tammy refuses to follow the exercise regimen set by her physician – so Michael and Nurse Tisa have been taking on the burden of having to push her everywhere. Recently, in fact, Tisa and Tammy got into a heated argument in an earlier episode over her refusal to walk even minimal distances.

In the latest episode, Tammy even tells Misty that she is lucky to be as independent as she is and that her siblings should be grateful they don’t have to wash, bathe and change her. But is Tammy really as independent as she claims to be?

Fans Don’t Believe Tammy Slaton’s Claims

Fans of the hit TLC show 1000-Lb. Sisters are a little confused when it comes to Tammy’s claims of independence. While many are thankful that Tammy hasn’t crossed over the border into bedridden, they don’t necessarily believe that she can call herself “independent.”

Over the last three seasons of the show, viewers have watched Tammy be waited on hand and foot by her family members – Amy in particular. Viewers consistently express anger when it comes to how much coddling the family does when it comes to Tammy.  The celeb’s siblings have expressed feeling sadness and guilt when it comes to Tammy Slaton’s lack of mobility – and often help her with everything on reflex. Fans have expressed repeatedly that this is not doing anything but making her MORE dependent on them.

Photo Credit: TLC

The show has highlighted repeatedly that Tammy does not cook or clean for herself. The celeb rarely shops for herself and forces her family into transporting her and pushing her wheelchair. When it comes to her personal care, the show reveals Tammy doesn’t always make personal hygiene a priority. In fact, during an earlier season, the celeb went to the dentist for the first time in a decade – revealing to the dentist that she brushes her teeth maybe once or twice… per week.

Additionally, while Tammy may not plague her family with the task of washing her – someone does need to assist her. Right now that person is her nurse. This was seen just a few episodes back when Tisa asked if Tammy was ready for her to help get herself washed.

We also know that she bathes on the toilet because she can’t stand in the tub. So, it is safe to assume that washing and maintaining standards of personal hygiene are NOT things she can do without assistance and accountability. We can also assume that Amy was once responsible for Tammy’s hygiene. Why? Because Nurse Tisa was hired to help alleviate Amy from some of the strain of Tammy’s daily care. This just further proves how little “independence” Tammy actually exercises. No Pun Intended.

Fans Want Tammy To Stop Being Delusional

It’s easy to see that Tammy Slaton is far from being “independent.” As a result, fans are angry about how far she has slid into denial. Yes, she’s trying to look at the bright side of things – but her explanations and defenses are for the most part – not true.

What makes fans even angrier is that they can see that she is creating a narrative that makes light of her situation rather than making any attempt to fix it.

Currently, Tammy is more dependent on others than she has ever been. And, if she doesn’t make some massive changes – she could easily become bedridden, losing any chance she might have of turning things around.

Tammy Slaton
Photo Credit: TLC | ‘1000-lb. Sisters’

So, what are 1000-Lb Sister viewers saying about Tammy’s bolstered idea of independence? Well – thousands took to Twitter after the latest episode to call out the celeb on her fibs. Many were not mincing words over their disdain for Tammy Slaton’s lack of effort to save her own life.

“Tammy with the mental gymnastics,” wrote one watcher, “justifying that the family should be thankful that she wipes her own a.s.s.” “Tammy needs to decide if losing weight is a priority,” quipped another, “.. she’s rolling out of time.”

Do you think that Tammy Slaton is as independent as she says she is? Do you believe she will put the work in to finally catch up to her siblings? Tell us in the comments.

You can catch a new episode of 1000-Lb. Sisters Monday night on the TLC network.

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